The custom Format
; Archive created at 2017-
; dbname: demo
; TOC Entries: 146
; Compression: -1
; Dump Version: 1.12-0
; Format: CUSTOM
; Selected TOC Entries:
2297; 1262 475453 DATABASE
5; 2615 475454 SCHEMA - bo
2298; 0 0 COMMENT - SCHEMA
$ pg_dump -d database -F c -f file
$ pg_restore -d database -j N file
an internal format with a table of contents (TOC)
database objects to be restored can be selected at the time of recovery
recovery can be performed in the parallel mode
The pg_dump utility allows you to specify the backup format. By default, the
plain format is used; it provides pure psql commands.
The custom format (-F c, --format=custom) creates a backup in a special
format that contains not only the backed up objects, but also a table of
contents (TOC). Having a TOC allows you to choose the objects to be
restored right at the time of recovery, not while making the dump.
By default, the output of the custom format is compressed.
To restore the database, you need to run another utility: pg_restore.
It reads the file and converts it to psql commands. If you do not explicitly
provide the database name (in the -d option), all commands will be output
to the terminal. If the database is specified, pg_restore will connect to this
database and execute the commands; you won’t have to start psql.
To restore only some of the objects, you can use one of the following
approaches. The first one is to filter the objects to be restored, just like it is
done in pg_dump. In fact, pg_restore supports many pg_dump parameters.
The second option is to use the TOC to retrieve the list of objects included
into the backup (via the --list option). Then you can edit this list manually:
delete the objects you do not need and pass the modified list to pg_restore
(via the --use-list option).