Isolation and MVCC
© Postgres Professional, 2017–2021
Authors: Egor Rogov, Pavel Luzanov
Translated by Liudmila Mantrova
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Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC)
Data snapshots
Isolation levels
There can be multiple versions of one and the same row
different versions belong to different time frames
time = transaction ID (xid), assigned in the ascending order
version 1 version 2 version 3
Running several concurrent sessions poses an interesting question: what
should be done if two transactions access one and the same row
simultaneously? The answer is obvious if both of them read data. Handling
two writing transactions is also easy (they are simply queued to update the
data sequentially). The most intricate case is managing reads and writes.
There are two straightforward ways to do it. Transactions can lock each
other, but then performance will suffer. Alternatively, a reading transaction
could immediately see the changes made by a writing transaction, even if
they are not committed yet (it is called “dirty read”); but it is a very bad
scenario because these changes can be rolled back.
PostgreSQL does it the hard way: it keeps several versions of one and the
same row using multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Thus, while a
reading transaction sees one version, a writing transaction modifies another
To tell one version from another, PostgreSQL marks them with two tags that
define the “lifetime” of each version. Instead of timestamps, these tags use
transaction IDs, which are always increasing (it’s a bit more complex than
that, but we won’t get into details.) When a row is inserted, it is tagged with
ID of the transaction that has performed the INSERT command. When it is
deleted, it is tagged with ID of the transaction that has run the DELETE
command (but is not physically deleted). UPDATE consists of two
operations: DELETE and INSERT.
Data Snapshot
A consistent slice of data at a particular moment
transaction ID (xid) defines the snapshot creation moment
all changes that are not yet committed at this moment are filtered out using
the list of active transactions
row 3:
row 2:
row 1:
PostgreSQL uses snapshot isolation.
When accessing a table, a transaction must see only one version of each
row (or no versions at all). To achieve this, transactions use data snapshots
taken at a particular moment. Each snapshot contains only the latest
versions of committed data; if the data was not committed at that moment, it
won’t be visible in the snapshot. In other words, each row is represented by
its version that was current at the time of snapshot creation.
A snapshot is not a physical copy of all data; it’s just several numbers:
- the ID of the last transaction committed by the moment of snapshot
creation (which defines that moment)
- the list of transactions that were active at that time
The list is required to ensure that the snapshot does not contain any
changes of those transactions that had started before the snapshot
creation, but had not been committed by that time.
Knowing these numbers, we can always say which row version is visible in
the snapshot. Sometimes it is the current (the most recent) version, like in
the case of row 1 on this slide. Sometimes it is an earlier version: row 2 is
deleted (and this change is already committed), but the transaction still sees
this row while using the snapshot. Such behavior is correct: it ensures that
the data is consistent at each point in time.
Some rows will not make it into the snapshot at all: row 3 had been deleted
before the snapshot was built, so it was not included into the snapshot.
Isolation Levels
Read Uncommitted
is not supported by PostgreSQL: works as Read Committed
Read Committed (default)
the snapshot is taken at the beginning of an operator
identical queries can return different data
Repeatable Read
the snapshot is taken at the beginning of the first operator in the transaction
transactions can end with a serialization error
full isolation, but additional overhead
transactions can end with a serialization error
The SQL standard defines four isolation levels: the stricter the level, the
less the interference between concurrent transactions. At the time when the
standard was adopted, it was assumed that stricter levels are harder to
implement and have higher negative impact on performance (since then
these views have somewhat changed).
The most relaxed level is Read Uncommitted, which allows dirty reads.
This level is not supported by PostgreSQL since it is of no practical use and
provides no performance gains.
The Read Committed level is the default isolation level in PostgreSQL.
At this level, snapshots are built at the beginning of each SQL operator.
Thus, each operator works with constant and consistent data, but two
identical queries can return different results when run one after another.
At the Repeatable Read level, a snapshot is built at the beginning of each
transaction (while executing the first operator), so all queries within one
transaction see the same data. This level is convenient for cases like
creating reports using series of queries.
The Serializable level provides full isolation: you can write operators as if
there is only one transaction. The price you pay for convenience is that
some transactions complete with an error; your application should be able
to retry such transactions.
Row-level locks
reading never blocks writing
an update locks the affected rows for other updates, but not for reading
Table-level locks
forbid changing and deleting the table while it is worked with
forbid reading the table while it is being rebuilt or moved
address other similar needs
Lifetime of locks
locks are acquired either automatically as needed or manually
locks are released automatically at the end of transactions
What does MVCC give us? It minimizes the number of required locks, thus
increasing system performance.
Most of the locks are set at the row level. That being said, reading never
blocks neither reading, nor writing transactions. A row update does not
block reading of this row. The only case when a transaction has to wait for
the lock release is when it tries to modify the row that is already updated by
another transaction, but this change is not committed yet.
Locks can also be acquired at a higher level, e.g., on tables. They are
needed to ensure that no one can delete the table while other transactions
are reading data from it, or to forbid access to the table that is being rebuilt.
As a rule, such locks cause no issues because deleting and rebuilding
tables are very rare operations.
All the required locks are acquired automatically and are released
automatically once the transaction completes. It is also possible to set
custom locks; such need arises not too often.
Transaction Status
Transaction status (xact)
service information; two bits per transaction
special files on disk
buffers in shared memory
sets the bit “transaction is committed”
sets the bit “transaction is aborted”
completes as fast as a commit (no data rollback is required)
To maintain MVCC, it is required to know the status of transactions.
A transaction can be either active or completed. A completed transaction is
either committed or aborted. Thus, keeping the state of each transaction
requires two bits. Status information is stored in special service files; for
recent transactions, this data is usually kept in shared memory to avoid
frequent disk access.
By any transaction outcome (both successful and unsuccessful), it’s enough
to simply set the corresponding status bits. Both commits and aborts
happen equally fast.
If an aborted transaction has already created new row versions, these
versions are not deleted (there is no “physical” data rollback). Thanks to the
status information, other transactions will see that the transaction that has
created or deleted row versions is actually aborted, and will ignore these
Both previous and current row versions are stored together
the size of tables and indexes grows over time
deletes row versions that are no longer required (i.e., they are not visible
in any data snapshot anymore)
works in parallel with other processes
when deleting row versions, leaves “holes” in data files,
to be later filled with new row versions
Vacuum full
fully rebuilds data files, making them compacted
locks the table while running
In PostgreSQL, all row versions (both current and outdated) are stored
together, in the same data files. It’s clear that outdated versions pile up over
time, which leads to table (and index) bloating and causes performance
However, there is no need to store outdated row versions that are not
visible in any data snapshot anymore. Such versions are cleaned up by the
vacuum process. It physically removes deprecated row versions from data
files, leaving “holes” that will be later filled with new row versions.
Vacuum does not lock other processes and can be run concurrently.
You can fully rebuild the table and its indexes by running the VACUUM FULL
command. This process makes files more compacted, but the table is fully
locked while it is running.
Autovacuum launcher
a background process
launches background
workers from time to time
Autovacuum worker
performs cleanup
of a particular database,
for those tables that
actually need it
background workers
shared memory
Autovacuum is set up by DBA to perform timely data cleanup, so that
considerable file bloating is avoided. Instead of cleaning up all tables on
schedule, it is triggered automatically by update activity in tables.
However, abnormally long transactions can interfere with timely vacuuming.
The DEV2 course provides more information on how to avoid impeding
system operation.
Autovacuum is performed as follows. The background process called
autovacuum launcher regularly starts autovacuum workers in various
databases. These workers, in their turn, create the list of tables that require
vacuuming, and then perform the cleanup.
Files can store several versions of each row
Each transaction accesses its own data snapshot, which is
a consistent slice of data at a particular point in time
Writes do not block reads, reads do not block any operations
Isolation levels differ in snapshot creation times
Row versions pile up, so they require periodic cleanup
1. Create a table with a single row.
Start the first transaction at the Read Committed isolation level
and run a query on the table.
In another session, delete the row and commit this change.
How many rows will the first transaction see if it re-runs the
query? Check the result.
Commit the first transaction.
2. Repeat the experiment at the Repeatable Read isolation level:
Explain the difference.