External monitoring
Universal monitoring systems
Zabbix, Munin, Cacti...
cloud-based: Okmeter, NewRelic, Datadog...
PostgreSQL monitoring systems
PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer (PoWA)
Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM)
pg_profile, pgpro_pwr
In practice, for any serious environment, you need a full-fledged monitoring
system that collects various metrics from both PostgreSQL and the
operating system, stores the history of these metrics, displays them as
readable graphs, notifies when certain metrics reach certain thresholds, etc.
PostgreSQL does not come with such a system by itself, it only provides the
means by which such information can be acquired. We've gone over them
already. Therefore, for full-scale monitoring, an external system is required.
There are quite a few such systems on the market. Some are universal and
come with PostgreSQL plugins or settings. These include Zabbix, Munin,
Cacti, cloud services such as Okmeter, NewRelic, Datadog, and others.
There are also systems specifically designed for PostgreSQL: PGObserver,
PoWA, OPM, etc. The pg_profile extension allows you to build snapshots of
static data and compare them, identifying resource-intensive operations and
their dynamics. pgpro_pwr is its extended, commercially available version.
An incomplete but representative list of monitoring systems can be viewed